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Allright Inc.
Allright Graphics (graphic design)
founded in 2006
Allright Printing (letter press)
founded in 2007
ALL RIGHT Co, Ltd Established in 2010
Allright Music (Music)
founded in 2017

What inspires the heart gradually
What reminds us of the important things forgotten
What helps someone in small way
To have these energies spun into our creativity

To put our lives in order, to trust, to work appreciating each and every moment, to lead a life.
Once we forget this and lose our true sense of self, we are easily distracted from our ideal form of expression
That would be worse than being out of sync with the world
To notice the little changes in an ever-changing dynamic world
To grasp the hidden essence from the overflowing information in this modern society
To articulate through experimentation and questioning. This is Allright.

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